First of all-I love Thursdays anyway, but Today, my friends, is the beginning of FALL BREAK!!! I can't tell you how sweet this is to hear! I have been studying everyday, literally all-day for about 8 weeks now and I could use a serious break! Fall break is heaven sent!!
I AM PUMPED!! Almost as pumped as she is!
With that, this next 10 days (that's right 10 whole days :)) is going to be extremely productive/lazy! To do:
- Go Shopping! Let's be honest, I deserve it :) ....Right?
- Get ahead in school! Not just caught up... make life a little easier on myself for the week after.
- Go up to Logan to see my best friends!
- Good workouts!
- Wedding Dress Shopping with Blakely!!
- Cook! One of my favorite things that has sadly been replaced by Harvard Business School Cases. Maybe a little of this:
Minestrone Mmmmm
Carmel Apple Cake! Helloooo Fall!
- Oh and I'm totally going to watch this HILARIOUS show :)
Lots of time for lots of fun! Last week I went up to Logan too! My friends and I went up to my family's cabin in Logan Canyon. We used to go up a lot more when I was younger, but I haven't been there in so long! The mattress swing was always the highlight of the cabin, but sadly it wasn't all put together. We had fun anyway though!
This is what happens in between conference sessions! Lots of energy to wrestle at the park! Well, I'm going to go live my dreams... Happy Fall Break!