Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"That's what tomorrow is for!"

Well, it's finally here. The day I've been relying on to make up for my procrastination! In my mind, I've basically been on Spring Break since we went to Vegas--2 weeks ago!! How I've managed to get away with not studying for that long is beyond me.  But it was fine because I knew I had an empty Tuesday before my big Finance test to make up for it......... And now it is that Tuesday :( 2 weeks worth of stuff. YIKES.

But I'm not going to let that dampen my spirits! I've got a lot to do and no excuses! Watch out! (Yet somehow I'm  blogging and not studying... the procrastination continues!)

Quick Funny story from yesterday: So there I was..........
Getting ready for the day as usual, putting all my things together to go to class. All the sudden I get a phone call from Melissa, which required my full attention.  However, I really had to get to class! So I was trying to get all my million things ready to go, make some breakfast, while listening to this very emotional story.  I was successful until it came time to leave....

I was carrying all those million things with the phone on my shoulder.  I went outside to put everything in my car, so I set my piece of toast and smoothie on the top of my car.  You can see where this is going.... I am setting all my bags in my car when all the sudden my phone drops out from my shoulder- and oh by the way it was icy the night before. So, unbeknown to me, my smoothie is slowly sliding down and then  B A M! Yep, all over me!!

Like not just my foot or my leg, but ALLLLLLLL over me. I was wearing black and all the sudden I was wearing pink.  From my shirt to my shoes-PINK.  Still on the phone with Melissa by the way.  So I had to call her back.  In between my laughing/crying, it wasn't that funny at the time-  BUT NOW- it is pretty funny.... Smoothie girl! What a morning.....

AND after all that madness last night was really fun! My Husband-to-be turned 22 yesterday and we had so much fun at dinner! Great friends!!

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