Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tulips Galore!

Yes, it is that time of Year-- The Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival! Wahoo! 
I was definitely in a tulip mood- so this completely hit the spot! 
Here are the goods :) 

I feel my Dutch Roots just jumping out of me in this picture!

Sorry for all the kissy pics- we are engaged-- we are allowed :)

And of course there was some of this...

Which led to this...

Not sure if he's smelling or eating the tulip, but either way, he likes it!
Thanks Thanksgiving Point for a wonderful afternoon!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

"It's the The End of an ERA!"

Nothing makes me smile more than people who quote my favorite TV show FRIENDS.  If you are a FRIENDS-lover and quote it from time to time- Bless you!

But really, this does mark the end of an era.  Utah State Basketball has been a part of my life for a long time now-- since I started college! But more so since I became friends with my husband-to-be, and Matt & Tai.  Rarely have I missed a game and I've loved every minute of it.  

However, all good things must come to an end.  We went to the banquet on Tuesday and watched the Seniors get their well-deserved honors.  It was Brad's last banquet as well since he is transferring to Westminster.  Although we have different feelings than those of the seniors, Utah State will always hold a place in our hearts.  It is where we met and where we had a TON of fun! The athletics were just a bonus :) Nonetheless here are some pics!

Brad says the thing he will miss most about Logan is his teammates (And Taco Tuesday at Cafe Rio of course :) ).  This is a pretty great group of guys that will be fun to see where their lives go in the near future!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Quote of the Day

"In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of even greater importance."
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Monday, April 18, 2011


Another Great weekend in the books...
It is nice to just be able to relax on the weekends and not stress about school! School is winding down and there isn't much before finals.  I have a few countdowns going on in my head... 

--2 more weeks of school
--3 weeks left of driving back and forth from Logan 
--3 weeks until Brad moves to SLC! 
--1 month until my Birthday
--2 months until we get MARRIED
That is a lot of great things coming my way!! 
Well we also took our engagement pictures this weekend! Brad was wonderful and didn't complain once! In fact, I think we might have found his true calling in life- modeling! haha we could make some serious cash with that moneymaker! Our photographer is wonderful and I can't wait to see the pictures! 
Here is her website:
Well the good ones are to come, but this was his reward for a full day of pictures... 
Chipotle= Heaven 
And he couldn't be happier. 
Happy Monday!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Matchy Matchy?

For anyone who knows me fairly well- they probably are well aware of my pet peeve of matching! And some of those people deliberately sabotage my wardrobe to match me (Alyssa & Melissa!!)! But anyway, so I was just getting ready the other day and Brad comes in dressed like this--
Believe me, this smile of my face is not because we were matching.  But I mean hey- if we are going to match- no better way to do it than in Livestrong stuff! I guess I can handle that!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


"You don't stand a chance corndog!"
Because he is!!
Talk about one of the funniest pictures ever! My little brother takes his food pretty seriously- as you can see! We found this picture while looking through our old photos...
I mean you can't help but smile when you see this!