Monday, April 18, 2011


Another Great weekend in the books...
It is nice to just be able to relax on the weekends and not stress about school! School is winding down and there isn't much before finals.  I have a few countdowns going on in my head... 

--2 more weeks of school
--3 weeks left of driving back and forth from Logan 
--3 weeks until Brad moves to SLC! 
--1 month until my Birthday
--2 months until we get MARRIED
That is a lot of great things coming my way!! 
Well we also took our engagement pictures this weekend! Brad was wonderful and didn't complain once! In fact, I think we might have found his true calling in life- modeling! haha we could make some serious cash with that moneymaker! Our photographer is wonderful and I can't wait to see the pictures! 
Here is her website:
Well the good ones are to come, but this was his reward for a full day of pictures... 
Chipotle= Heaven 
And he couldn't be happier. 
Happy Monday!


  1. Have ya'll found a place to live yet? Robby and I are wanting to sell our apartment. It's a great 2 bedroom for $575 a month. It's located at about 2700 East and 3900 South (one block from the I-215 entrance)and the ward is amazing! It has tons of newlywed couples. So if you're still looking for a place after you and Brad get married, let me know. Ok, that's the end of my plug.

    Good luck with these last two months. I hope they go by fast for you. You're going to be such a gorgeous bride! Congratulations again.

  2. dani! i just found your blog :) yes i'm a stalker. but i just had to tell you how excited i am for you! it was fun to see you a few months back...hopefully it happens again!!


  3. You are so cute- Thank you! However, I think we are going to be living in my grandparent's little apartment in their basement. Trying to save some money :) Thanks anyways though, I can't believe you are moving this soon after being married!

  4. And Liz- you are so great! this does not count as stalker material :) Hope you are doing great!!
